Thursday, May 21, 2009

Book Review - The House on Mango Street

The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros was a very inspiring story about a little girl living in the slums. She did not want to identify herself with the other peasant neighbors on her street.

When Esperanza and her friends are given three pairs of high-heeled shoes, they play dress-up and imagine they are beautiful, rich ladies going to a party. The girls love being thought of as beautiful even though they are only children.

Esperanza begins to feel as if she is trapped on Mango Street. But in the end, she realizes she "will always be Mango Street." "She cannot forget where she came from or who she knew." Esperanza vows to herself if she gets out of Mango Street, she will come back for the others who are not strong enough to leave by themselves.

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